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Recommendations for "Territorial/Rural Development (90 results)"

Thematic Areas
Sound evidence-based research, information systems and regulations at the national and global levels are needed to enhance the transparency of transactions and to understand the opportunities and threats for smallholders.
Establish a vibrant rural financial system that includes a diverse mix of financial institutions and networks that work together to support innovation and rural access among smallholders.
Government policies are crucial to underpinning market participation. They should target rural areas with measures to improve health and education services, upgrade infrastructure and foster labour markets, supporting an enabling environment that is conducive to business.
Contribute to rural development, improving social protection coverage and the provision of public goods and services such as research, health, education, capacity development, finance, infrastructure, market functioning, and fostering rural institutions.
Support the development of markets for rural economies.
Support revitalizing rural communities by preserving sustainable agriculture and forest landscapes, local and regional production systems, closely linked to the territory in order to reverse land degradation and avoid abandonment of rural areas.
Develop appropriate financial instruments for the capital needs of farmers and rural enterprises and disseminate knowledge to improve the role of the farm sector in FVCs to strengthen the role of agriculture in the whole food chain, recognizing the joint responsibility of governments and businesses to foster sustainable FVCs and encourage best practices. Conduct fora to benchmark best-practices, exchange policy experiences on access to credit and facilitate responsible investments in agriculture and agribusiness, especially in developing countries, gathering all relevant stakeholders in an inclusive manner.
Recognize the importance of rural regions and communities to our individual economies, promoting diversification activities beyond primary production in rural areas that increase incomes of both farmers and non-farmers in rural areas. Pursue policies for the efficient, sustainable and smart management and use of land, soil and water, ensuring legitimate and secure land tenure rights in line with the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT).
Promote and recognize the various roles of sustainable agriculture and rural areas, including conservation of biodiversity and characteristic landscapes for future generations as well as urban-rural linkages.
Support both farming and non-farming activities and develop good practices and models, committing to expanding farming opportunities and revitalizing rural communities, improving sustainable agricultural production/productivity and food supply capacity, and supporting the sustainability of agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
Expand farmers’ participation in food value chains by establishing and promoting local, regional, and international linkages in food value chains (FVCs), as well as encouraging farmers to participate in FVCs that incorporate agri-food processing, distribution and service sectors, which may increase income in agriculture and rural areas. Support farmers to maximize the value of their agricultural products, including through farmers’ organizations and cooperatives, which can contribute to ensuring that FVCs’ value-added is distributed to rural areas and farmers.
Support the collection and application of SDG2 indicators, in particular the expansion of the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) to improve disaggregation of data, including by sex and rural and urban location; promote the inclusion of indicators of dietary diversity, especially among children and women of reproductive age, in household surveys.
Support the development of local food security and nutrition plans to complement national strategies and plans, and help foster policy and business environments to sustainably improve food security and nutrition and economic opportunities across the rural-to-urban spectrum, and for wider regional development.
Increase catalytic investments for food security, nutrition, and sustainable food systems and territorial development, as part of the substantial COVID-19 emergency funding and longer-term national recovery plans and packages, in a manner consistent with WTO obligations and taking into account the voluntary Committee on World Food Security (CFS) Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems.
Accelerate policies fostering territorial and gender sensitive adaptation, promoting more integrated farming systems, climate sensitive, agro-ecological and other innovative approaches as appropriate, supporting biodiversity as a source of climate resilience, fast-tracking the implementation of the agriculture and food-systems related parts of adaptation plans, as well as promoting effective funding from climate finance to foster climate adaptation in the food and agriculture sector of developing countries in the light of different national circumstances.
Improve inter-regional logistics and distributional systems along with better linkages between rural and urban areas, as well as strengthening local food economies resilience to external shocks.
Recognize that FVCs can also help revitalize rural areas along with other activities such as agrotourism and promotion of local produce which contribute to increase product value added and income for farmers.
Raise awareness of the importance of plant health to all.
Improve the integration of family farmers, smallholders, women and young people living in rural areas into related value chains and transparent and efficient markets.
Strengthen the infrastructure needed for urban-rural integrated development and agricultural connectivity.
The bioeconomy based on the responsible use of natural resources and the conversion of agricultural waste streams into value added products has the potential to significantly contribute to achieving food security and, furthermore, it can be effectively used to develop rural spaces and economies, and to meet ambitious environmental goals.
Promote the dynamism of rural areas, through all possible tools, including for instance agri-tourism.
Engage the private sector in developed and developing countries, so as to meet the demand of the growing world population and address the sluggish agricultural growth and uneven regional development.
Revitalize the rural economy, harmonize urban and rural development, catalyze agricultural growth with industrialization and urbanization, improve and maintain rural infrastructure, and enhance both equal exchange and balanced allocation of production factors in urban and rural areas, giving due attention to food security in cities.
Pursue integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in the rural community, and encourage experience sharing in the development of innovative models, for contributing to job creation and improvement of rural income such as agricultural tourism, e-commerce and customized agriculture as well as urban farming solutions, such as high-tech, vertical and indoor farming.
Responsible investment in sustainable and resilient food systems should increase productivity to expand food supplies and increase incomes and quality jobs in rural areas, especially for women and youth, reducing poverty and contribute to the G20’s inclusive growth agenda.
Tailor policies to consider demographic shifts and migration patterns, which vary greatly by region.
Encourage investment in rural infrastructure development, agricultural services and access to markets, in order to mitigate rural to urban migration.
Ensure that FSN policies and programmes connect growing rural and urban food needs, including in small- and medium size towns, to sustainable livelihoods in the countryside that appeal to young people.
Support diverse food production and distribution networks, including territorial market arrangements.
Diversify sources of incomes. Smallholder households often need access to complementary sources of income in the rural non-farm economy. Successful rural non-farm employment in turn consolidates the farm economy, providing it with liquidity and risk-reduction that support on-farm investments. For this, investment must be made in support of the rural non-farm economy and the decentralization of economic activity towards rural areas. Investment must correspondingly be made in the qualifications of young people so that they can find employment either in modernized agriculture or in other related activities and labour markets. Territorial development can offer an effective platform to coordinate public and private investments in agriculture and in the regional non-farm economy.
Enhance governance for agriculture and rural development. Extensive market failures for agriculture and smallholders, and the need to coordinate public and private investments and programmes in a territorial perspective, require appropriate governance. Governance for agriculture and territorial development requires going beyond the traditional ministries of agriculture. Different solutions must to be tailored to national political and institutional contexts. Early lessons from implementation of the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP) and the Global Agriculture and Food Security Programme (GAFSP) offer an opportunity to reflect on best practices across countries and regions for investments in support of smallholder farmers.
Support for the growth of secondary cities and rural towns, including linkages to rural areas
Fiscal, legal and regulatory reforms to improve the rural investment climate.
Rural financial system upgrading. Policy adjustments and direct support are required to develop improved and commercially viable financial products that can reach smallholders and other marginal groups. They include innovations in loan terms that are better adapted to the needs of agriculture than current microfinance practices, use of “aggregators” such as credit suppliers or commodity off-takers, and further support for development and uptake micro-level insurance.
Create more vibrant rural economies and support policies and initiatives aimed at enhancing youth’s long term economic prospects, which in turn will cultivate trust in government among young people
Accelerating shifts towards territorial supply chains and ethical consumerism.
Food sovereignty, territorial development, and a new economic paradigm: As economic orthodoxies are questioned and new priorities and paradigms gradually take root, favorable conditions for agroecology could start to emerge.
Reconnect mineral flows between urban areas and rural areas, as well as between crop and livestock production.
Invest in digital infrastructure and complementary nondigital infrastructure in rural and remote areas to ensure rural connectivity; digitize the activities of public agricultural bodies; and build the digital skills of public sector workers to support change.
Enhance territorial approaches which tailor investments and interventions to the context and needs of specific geographic localities and their peoples
Catalyse, identify, support and scale up niche innovations that may have the potential to contribute to a food systems transition and positively disrupt existing and unsustainable models, including support for territorial approaches.
Systems approaches are needed to build coherent portfolios of policies, investments and legislation and enable win-win solutions while managing trade-offs; these include territorial approaches, ecosystems approaches, Indigenous Peoples’ food systems approaches and interventions that systemically address protracted crisis conditions.
Based on the specific country context and prevailing consumption patterns, there is a need for policies, laws and investments to create healthier food environments and to empower consumers to pursue dietary patterns that are nutritious, healthy and safe and with a lower impact on the environment.
In policy development and the implementation of transformative action, territorial approaches advocate for cross-sectoral and multi-level governance mechanisms, as well as coherence across different spatial levels, while focusing on linkages and opportunities between systems in a given territory.
Based on the specific country context and prevailing consumption patterns, there is a need for policies, laws and investments to create healthier food environments and to empower consumers to pursue dietary patterns that are nutritious, healthy and safe and with a lower impact on the environment.
Given that food systems are affected by more than one driver and impact food security and nutrition outcomes in multiple ways, comprehensive portfolios of context-specific policies, investments and legislation should be formulated to maximize their combined effects on food systems transformation, while recognizing that financial resources are limited.
The formulation of comprehensive portfolios of policies and investments starts with a context-specific situation analysis to obtain an in-depth understanding of the country context, including the nature and intensity of major drivers impacting food systems, the prevailing food security and nutrition situation, and the identification of relevant actors, institutions and governance mechanisms.
Investing in infrastructure is key for enhancing agrifood systems linkages across the rural–urban continuum. From a productive perspective, investing in irrigation is important for boosting fruit and vegetable production.
Blending agroecology with territorial approaches can help empower rural communities and bring agroecology to scale, for example by implementing territorial certification schemes and shorter value chains to improve access to markets and increase incomes of small-scale producers.
Policies to enable the potential of small and intermediate cities and towns (SICTs) for growth, poverty reduction and improved access to affordable healthy diets should facilitate the flow of people, products and resources between such cities and their rural catchment areas, but also expand the reach of local agriculture to more distant markets.
Better linkages between producers, agro-industrial processors, agricultural and non-agricultural services, and other downstream segments of the agrifood value chain could provide more opportunities for SME development and, from a spatial perspective, could turn small and intermediate cities and towns (SICTs) into crucial “food exchange” nodes.
Building rural infrastructure, including quality rural and feeder roads to connect remote farms and enterprises to main road networks, is essential for unlocking the productive potential of small and intermediate cities and towns (SICTs) and their catchment areas.
Existing evidence indicates that improving market access of Indigenous producers in remote areas could lead to significant improvements in economic and livelihood outcomes.
In general, investments in connectivity between locations and components of agrifood systems in small and intermediate cities and towns (SICTs) have spurred substantial development of and investments by SMEs and the creation of spontaneous clusters of wholesale and logistics SMEs. Such clusters, in turn, induce farmers to increase their crop variety and to use more inputs.
Investing in improved and gender-sensitive wholesale market infrastructure (e.g. in territorial food markets) could improve supply of fresh products and facilitate compliance with food safety and quality standards by smallholder producers, incentivize producers to supplyhigher-quality foods that could bring them better returns, and increase the quantity and variety of food supply through vertical and horizontal scaling.
Invest in territorial approaches in food systems and regional development planning, including in agroecology and in local markets, strengthening regional trade and market connections to create a judicious mix of local and distant market opportunities for small-scale producers and to benefit local consumers.
Invest in rural transport, market infrastructure, nutrient-preserving food processing and food storage, with special consideration for disadvantaged groups and places, and supporting territorial markets.
Invest in expanding rural, non-farm employment opportunities to ensure that income-generating opportunities exist outside agriculture as alternative pathways to food security and nutrition.
Governments should, where appropriate integrate urban and peri-urban agriculture and land use into national and local food systems and nutrition development strategies and programmes, as well as urban and territorial planning, as a viable input into enabling healthy diets through sustainable food systems and support stable supply of safe and nutritious food.
Support market and social innovations that strengthen linkages between urban communities and food producers, in particular small-scale producers and family farmers that provide sustainably produced healthy, safe and nutritious food to all consumers while providing living wages and decent livelihoods to producers. This could include Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), participatory guarantee systems (in compliance with public policy and safety standards), and relevant product differentiation systems.
Support innovative public procurement of food from small-scale producers and local small and medium enterprises and micro-enterprises in public policies regarding, among others, school feeding programmes, other safety nets, food assistance and public preparedness mechanisms, prioritizing low-income and food insecure people. Preference should be given to sustainably produced food that contributes to healthy diets while supporting local and rural development objectives.
Create an enabling environment for young people to remain in, or move to, rural areas by: i) protecting their rights and livelihoods; ii) creating decent work opportunities, including through applying agroecological and other innovative approaches; and iii) by addressing specific challenges for young people such as access to land, in accordance with national legislation, mechanization and technologies, credit and information, educational and entrepreneurial opportunities, and by investing in rural infrastructure and services to reduce gaps between rural and urban areas.
Strengthen local, national and regional markets (through appropriate measures such as processing hubs, transportation infrastructure and adapted food safety regulations in line with international standards (IPPC, Codex and OIE) to link urban communities and rural territories through sustainable food production systems that support rural livelihoods, including by capturing a high proportion of the value of production locally.
In consultation with partner governments, donors should draw on lessons learned from mapping donor investments at the country level to explore options for a common framework and data infrastructure that could be used in a flexible way across multiple countries. If there is sufficient support, donors should invest in supporting the development of the necessary data infrastructure.
Strengthen territorial rights and governance to support participatory engagement and fair distribution of benefits.
Recognize Indigenous Peoples’ rights through policies supporting territorial rights and governance.
Grassroots movements are playing a key role in reshaping food landscapes from below and demonstrating the transformative potential of an engaged citizenry.
Intervene along agrifood supply chains to lower the cost of nutritious foods by increasing investments for nutrition-sensitive agricultural production and productivity; increasing efficiency of nutritious food value chains; reducing nutritious food loss and waste; promoting food biofortification; enacting mandatory food fortification; improving rural roads and infrastructure (e.g. nutritious food storage facilities).
Partner with civil society and research organizations to provide extension services to urban and peri-urban farmers and producers, promoting regenerative and nutrition‑sensitive practices.
Consider the implications of trade policies on poor and food‑insecure urban and peri-urban consumers.
Ensure that food‑system planning codes and regulations include informal processors operating in urban and peri-urban areas.
Strengthen different types of markets and retailers (wholesale, traditional, wet, weekly) in the urban and peri-urban areas in enabling access to healthy and affordable foods and promoting livelihoods.
Governments need to increase their investments in agriculture and rural infrastructure in line with their 10% commitment to CAADP.
Priority should also be given to infrastructure investment that favors linkages between rural areas and secondary cities and towns, including improved wholesale markets in those cities and towns linked by information flows to improved rural assembly markets.
Support more vibrant smallholder activities and more diverse production and distribution networks
Carefully review policies that may unjustifiably privilege formal retail food outlets over more informal markets that provide points of connection between small producers and lower income consumers, including periodic rural markets and street vendors.
Invest in enhanced territorial market infrastructure at the regional, national and local levels.
Regulatory structures to promote mobile communications coverage in rural areas
Rural-rural and rural-urban road infrastructure
Rural electrification for productive activities
Rural water, health and sanitation
Public works and employment guarantee schemes: Investments in initiatives that engage participants in manual, labor-oriented activities, such as building or rehabilitating community assets and public infrastructure, can support consumption and avoid distress sales of land and other assets, thereby boosting purchasing power and enhancing resilience in the process.
Territorial approaches: Approaches that embrace the diversity of actors in rural areas and build on rural-urban interdependencies and synergies should be further explored and strengthened.
Reform for better and more secure jobs in the informal sector. This entails reducing administrative and land constraints, improving productivity and extending social protection to workers in the informal sector and to the growing number of informal workers used by firms operating in the formal sectors.
Reverse traditional thinking about food systems by starting from the consumer, focusing on diets and consumer demand. Better collection of data on changing diets, especially consumption of processed foods, and development of nationally appropriate dietary guidelines can inform strategies to address rising obesity and persistent malnutrition
Take action at the national level so that the local context-including the status of specific populations, economic structure, and cultural norms – can be taken into account in shaping inclusive food systems and improving diets
Rebuild local agriculture and food value chains to help conflict-affected people move beyond subsistence agriculture, rejoin exchange markets, adopt climate-smart practices, and become resilient to economic and climatic shocks
Creating rural employment
Reconnect rural and urban, especially in developing regions, where urban actors (e.g. supermarkets) could invest in regional supply chains and improve the position of smallholders.