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Recommendations for "Land Governance and Tenure (73 results)"

Thematic Areas
Enable pastoralists’ mobility, including transboundary passage as appropriate; securing access to land, water, markets and services, adaptive land management, and facilitate responsible governance of common resources, in accordance with national and international laws;
Strengthen the security of tenure rights in line with the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security, including in all cases of conflict
Promote context-specific farm-size policies. Because well-functioning land sale and rental markets can have a major impact on agricultural productivity, governments in developing countries should not implement policies that promote cookie-cutter farm structures (for both rental and owner-occupied farms), which can lead to misallocation of resources
A sound legal and regulatory environment is needed to maximize the private sector’s contribution to smallholder productivity and to protect the property rights of smallholders and their surrounding natural resources. In conjunction, more research is needed to define appropriate instruments and strategies for integrating public-private partnerships and FDI into local economies.
Promote land policies that enable efficient smallholders to expand their operations by acquiring or renting land from less efficient neighbors who find other employment; and promote other business-friendly government policies (such as a sound legal and regulatory framework).
Advance youth access to productive land, natural resources, inputs, productive tools, extension, advisory, and financial services, education, training, markets, information, and inclusion in decision-making.
Responsible investment in agriculture and food systems respects legitimate tenure rights to land, fisheries, and forests, as well as existing and potential water uses, in line with: (1) The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests in the Context of National Food Security, in particular, but not limited to, Chapter 12. (2) The Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication.
Engage with and seek the support of those who could be directly affected by investment decisions prior to decisions being taken and responding to their contributions, taking into account existing power imbalances, in order to achieve active, free, effective, meaningful and informed participation of individuals and groups in associated decision-making processes in line with the VGGT.
Take steps to respect human rights and legitimate tenure rights, during and after conflict, to achieve free, effective, meaningful, and informed participation in decision-making processes associated with investments in agriculture and food systems with all parties affected by the investments, including farmers, consistent with applicable international law, including human rights law and international humanitarian law, and in accordance with the VGGT.
All financing institutions and other funding entities are encouraged to apply the Principles [CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems] when formulating their policies for loans and grants, in the articulation of country investment portfolios and in co-financing with other partners. They should take appropriate measures so that their support to investors does not lead to violations of human and legitimate tenure rights, and is in line with the Principles. The provision of finance allows these institutions a unique leveraging position where they can communicate with a broad range of stakeholders about their roles, responsibilities, and actions to facilitate implementation of the Principles.
Business enterprises should respect legitimate tenure rights in line with the VGGT, and may use a range of inclusive business models. Processors, retailers, distributors, input suppliers, and marketers are encouraged to inform and educate consumers about the sustainability of products and services and respect national safety and consumer protection regulations.
Responsible investment should respect and not infringe on the human rights of others and address adverse human rights impacts. It should safeguard against dispossession of legitimate tenure rights and environmental damage. Responsible investment entails respect for gender equality, age, and non-discrimination and requires reliable, coherent and transparent law and regulations.
Advance women’s equal tenure rights, and their equal access to and control over productive land, natural resources, inputs, productive tools; and promote access to extension, advisory, and financial services, education, training, markets, and information.
Increase opportunities for women and youth in the agricultural sector by strengthening their active involvement in farm ownership, farm management, marketing and other agricultural and agri-food related activities, as well as improving equal access to land and other assets, so as to improve incomes and livelihoods. Facilitate international fora for sharing information on relevant policy changes and successes of policy measures which empower women and youth in the agriculture and food systems in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals on gender equality.
Recognize the importance of rural regions and communities to our individual economies, promoting diversification activities beyond primary production in rural areas that increase incomes of both farmers and non-farmers in rural areas. Pursue policies for the efficient, sustainable and smart management and use of land, soil and water, ensuring legitimate and secure land tenure rights in line with the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT).
Support integrated approaches to land use for sustainable forest management —including restoration, afforestation, and use of planted forests—to prevent deforestation, conserve and restore forest ecosystems and ecosystem services, including the conservation of forests and wetlands, and to promote secure forest tenure as well as training, capacity building and knowledge transfer in the field of sustainable forestry practices, especially for small producers, to improve efficiency. Take appropriate measures to improve forest governance, eliminate illegal logging and associated trade, and support the use of legally harvested and sustainably produced timber.
Pilot at greater scale the use of existing practical guidance, such as the Analytical Framework for Responsible Land-based Agricultural Investment and the OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains, and further carry out outreach programmes on the VGGT and the CFS-RAI involving various stakeholders, by working with relevant partners such as the World Bank, the UNCTAD and the Rome-based UN agencies;
Promote secure land tenure for women in line with the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) in relevant ODA programmes, including through existing G7 land partnerships.
There is a need to place agriculture and rural development – together with other policies – at the centre of sustainable economic growth by strengthening the role of the agricultural households and smallholder farms and their access to land in many parts of the world, encouraging women participation, gender equality and young and beginning farmers.
Attention should be given to the leasing and purchase of agricultural land in developing countries, to ensure that local and traditional land use is respected.
Support the implementation and the application of internationally accepted principles and good practices where appropriate, including Committee on World Food Security (CFS)- Voluntary Guidelines for the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security, CFS-Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems, and OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains.
It is important to improve land tenure security and integrated water management, technical training and the adoption of innovative and sustainable agricultural practices, involving farmers in the co-development and evaluation of sustainable agriculture systems.
Sustainable land management, including forest and wetlands, is an important measure to undertake in crop production, soil conservation, fertility and restoration and the regulation of nutrients and quality and quantity of water in order to maintain and restore biodiversity and to enhance resilience to extreme weather events, as well as to mitigate the emission of greenhouse gases, including through carbon sequestration.
Land-use management, and secure land tenure, are valuable tools for sustainable soil management. Loss of agricultural land, including soil sealing, due to urban expansion, and infrastructure development, which is often carried out at the expense of fertile agricultural soil, can be a threat to potential agricultural production, and its associated ecosystem services. Therefore, an open discussion of this topic, promoting consensus, to facilitate the sustainable use potential, as a basis for the establishment and progress of our society is strongly encouraged.
Promote responsible investment through the application of internationally accepted principles and good practices, including the Voluntary Guidelines for the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security and the Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment adopted by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) and the OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains among others, as appropriate for countries concerned, due to the contribution to economic and social development of farmers, particularly women smallholders and its potential multiplier effect in other sectors.
Support the improvement of the global environment for agricultural investment including through the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests in the Context of National Food Security and Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems endorsed by the CFS (CFS-RAI).
Support the development of the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems and the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security, both endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security.
Support efforts by countries and international organizations in promoting the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT),
Ensure more equitable access to land and productive agricultural resources for small-scale producers who remain vital providers of food and food security in much of the less industrialized world.
Governments must guarantee tenure security for smallholder farmers over land and natural resources, by implementing the Voluntary guidelines on responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries, and forests. They must also take relevant measures to improve cooperation and governance in the management of common property resources, including open-range pastoral resources, biodiversity, water, forestry and fisheries. Women’s rights to land and natural resources use must be developed and strengthened. Governments should improve access to land by various means including land reform processes, making use of the lessons learned from other countries’ experiences.
Improvements in land registration and transactions systems
Policies for the promotion of land rental markets
Intergenerational land transfer programmes
Land tenure reform for greater and more secure access: Reforms that strengthen security of property rights in an inclusive and equitable manner should be prioritized.
Provide long-term refugees access to land and livelihoods to help them achieve food security while also strengthening local economies
Well-functioning land markets are needed to transfer land to the most productive assets users and to facilitate participation in rural nonfarm sector and migration out of agriculture
Monitoring and updating agricultural land expansion tools to determine whether predictions prove accurate, to reprogram the tools as necessary, and to update results as the world changes.
Support institutional and policy reforms to reform outdated and counterproductive forestry legislation, establish more secure land tenure and management rights over trees, and strengthen local institutions to improve natural resource governance.
Adequate funding to develop and maintain a proper land-planning tool.
Land-use planning: Develop and use “living” analytical tools in the form of detailed land-use plans that prioritize areas for agricultural yield enhancement including “climate-smart” road networks and other public infrastructure) and protect natural ecosystems.
Intuitive presentation of outcomes for land-use modelling tools. A useful planning tool needs to present outcomes for each scenario in units that make intuitive sense to people as far as is practicable, for example, in tons of crops per hectare, dollars of profit (if economic analysis is included in the model), and tons of carbon released.
Framing a new approach to spatial planning to minimize the impacts of urban sprawl and infrastructure development. Cities designed for sustainability in the wider landscape can reduce environmental costs of transport, food, water, and energy, and offer new opportunities for resource efficiency.
Stop expanding the agricultural frontier
Improve land tenure security and gender equity
Prioritizing and balancing different stakeholder needs at a landscape scale while incorporating site-level specificity on land use, demand, and condition so that a full range of goods and services are produced. Land use planning helps identify those land uses that best meet the demands of people while safeguarding soil, water, and biodiversity for future generations.
Providing the conditions necessary to scale local successes into large-scale, transformative initiatives. This includes fostering the underlying social and economic conditions and institutions, particularly those relating to stakeholder engagement, land tenure, gender equality, and the availability of sustained investment and infrastructure.
Reform policies on land and water rights, develop and implement policies at all levels of governments (multilateral, national and local) to enable better resource management and encourage synergistic ‘adaptive governance’ by the wide range of non-state actors (i.e. businesses and civil society) within the food system.
Creation of adequate legal frameworks to secure property rights and land tenure and regulate access to and use of water, biodiversity, and ecosystems services.
Promote the development, review and implementation of programmes and policies to support the rights of rural youth to access, conserve and protect land, seeds and biodiversity, fisheries, and forests by applying guidance provided in international instruments. Ensure the recognition of their legitimate tenure rights, especially for Indigenous and customary collective land ownership, including through agrarian reform.
Indigenous Peoples´ food systems combine individual and collective rights to lands and resources. Similarly, mobile, semi-mobile and nomadic livelihoods are essential for maintaining both food generation and food production activities within these food systems.
Measures of empowerment include increased access to productive resources, including access to natural resources, agricultural inputs and technology, financial resources, knowledge and education, as well as strengthened organizational skills and, importantly, access to digital technology and communication.
Land tenure and access rights to other natural resources for farmers, rural households, and communities should be strengthened to motivate investments in sustainability and participation in landscape governance.
Bolster the land and resource rights of women, peasants, Indigenous Peoples and other marginalized groups, including legal recognition and inheritance rights; protect communal and collective tenure rights to resources, including enshrining free, prior and informed consent, and promote sustainable community-based management of those resources.
Strengthen accountability, monitoring and the requirement for local consent with respect to corporate/international land, forest and water acquisitions.
States, intergovernmental organizations, the private sector and civil society should work across sectors to ensure more equitable access to land, forests, aquatic resources and other food-production resources, applying rights-based approaches.
Governments should recognize and respect all legitimate tenure right holders and their rights including, as appropriate and in line with national legislation, the legitimate tenure rights of indigenous peoples and local communities with customary tenure systems that exercise self-governance of land, fisheries and forests, with special attention to the provision of equitable access for women, in line with the CFS VGGT.
Governments, in accordance with national legislations, should ensure women’s equal tenure rights and promote their equal access to and control over productive land, natural resources, inputs, productive tools, and access to education, training, markets, and information in line with the CFS VGGT.
Govern territories and landscapes at appropriate levels and in an inclusive way, with particular attention to people in vulnerable situations, so as to respond to local needs. This includes enhancing the provision of ecosystem services and managing trade-offs between them, protecting biodiversity-rich habitats, and responding to the local impacts of global emergencies; in particular by supporting social innovation and strengthening inclusive public bodies, such as local food policy councils and multi-stakeholder landscape and watershed management platforms.
Promote the empowerment of women, particularly small-scale food producers and family farmers, and their organizations, by supporting collective action, negotiation and leadership skills, to increase access to and equity in the control over land and natural resources, according to national legislation.
Ensure that farmers, including peasants, family farmers and other people working in rural areas, in particular small-scale food producers, have equal access to, and control over land and natural resources, in accordance with national legislation, that are the essential basis for any form of sustainable agricultural production, by adopting appropriate regulations at the national level, consistent with the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (CFS-VGGT) and other relevant frameworks.
At the individual or community level, protect land rights for vulnerable groups, including women, youth and Indigenous Peoples, to address existing inequalities in access and in ownership.
Enforce strict controls on land conversion for forestry plantations and woody energy crops to prevent land-use conflicts.
Prioritize projects led by Indigenous Peoples and address challenges related to land tenure security.
Ensure that the rights of vulnerable groups, especially women and Indigenous Peoples, have their rights protected, restored or improved – in particular, equal rights regarding access to ownership of assets like land.
Strengthen territorial rights and governance to support participatory engagement and fair distribution of benefits.
Improve the data on land tenure, aquatic resource use, and forest use and land use through remote sensing coupled with ground truthing and community engagement to guarantee access rights and monitor evolutions.
Protect land tenure and address challenges related to land tenure security especially for women and Indigenous Peoples.
Recognize Indigenous Peoples’ rights through policies supporting territorial rights and governance.
Improve inclusive governance for land and water, and collaborative decision-making.
Establish inclusive governance models that recognize both customary and statutory land and water rights, and encourage hybrid legal systems for equitable water and land tenure regimes.
Land‑use zoning to protect urban agriculture, livestock and fishing activities.
Improve the business environment for the agri-food system: including reforming regulations and licensing requirements that impede the establishment or expansion of new enterprises; improving contract law and enforcement processes; improving regulations for financial and insurance services; improving land policies so that farmers have secure access to their land and agribusinesses can acquire land for building purposes; regulating input markets (e.g., seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and veterinary medicines) to ensure minimum quality and safety standards; and regulating agricultural and food markets to ensure minimum food safety and quality standards.