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Recommendations for "Market failures (11 results)"

Thematic Areas
To minimize the negative impact that volatile energy (and hence food) prices have on farmers’ incentives and performance, the competition between food and biofuel production should be minimized by limiting policies that promote the use of grain feedstock to produce biofuels. Such a shift would require more investment in developing either biofuel crops that grow on marginalized lands that are unsuitable for food crops or feedstocks that come from the non-edible parts of crops or from nonfood crops.
Policies aimed at stabilizing food prices (Could include – Restrictions on exports of staple food items; Use of food stocks to boost the food supply; Consumptions subsidies for certain essential food items; and Import tariff and consumption/sales tax cuts
Policies and investments to achieve structural transformation that diversifies the economy away from commodity dependence, while fostering poverty reduction and more egalitarian societies including: Transforming agriculture and food systems such that the type of commodities produced contribute to improved access to more nutritious foods; Policies that facilitate trade should also help achieve nutrition objectives; Integrating food security and nutrition concerns into poverty reduction efforts, while increasing synergies between poverty reduction, hunger and malnutrition eradication
Strengthen transparency in price formation processes and access to markets to improve the ability of all farmers, with special attention to smallholders, women and young farmers, to benefit from market returns to their labor and financial investments and reinforce their role in the food value chain.
Support the role of well functioning markets as a means for improving food security.
Market access: Pursue trade agreements.
Market Access: Deepen trade agreements to cover investment and services. Trade agreements expand market access, and they have been a critical catalyst for GVC entry in a wide range of countries
Enable smallholder engagement in dynamic food supply chains by addressing issues that hinder participation. Policies and regulatory frameworks should ensure land tenure security, access to credit, training and technical assistance, and resilience-enhancing social protection
Deepen traditional cooperation to address remaining barriers to trade in goods and services, as well as other measures that distort trade, such as subsidies and the activities of state-owned enterprises.
Make product markets work better
Improve price incentives and increase the quality and quantity of public investment