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Recommendations for "Human Rights (42 results)"

Thematic Areas
Responsible investment should respect, protect and promote human rights, including the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security, in line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other relevant international human rights instruments.
States should take stronger actions to honour their obligations and duties to respect, protect and fulfil the right to food and protect agency. This affects all states in the world in a spirit of solidarity.
The CFS should formally strengthen the Voluntary Guidelines on the Right to Food, by moving from “progressive realization” to “unconditional realization.”
Take strong measures to immediately address wealth, income and social inequality, which has profound implications for FSN.
Make equity and human rights an integral part of food security and nutrition policies
Social protection mechanisms, including national and international food assistance, for the poorest and most vulnerable people during, and in the aftermath of, the COVID-19 pandemic, must incorporate provisions on the right to food, in terms of quantity and nutritional quality.
Reframe the right to food as freedom from hunger and all forms of malnutrition – underweight, overweight, obesity, micronutrient deficiencies and non-communicable diseases – reaffirming the importance of “safe and nutritious food” along with freedom from hunger.
Reduce the prevalence of childhood undernutrition by addressing its direct (food insecurity) and indirect causes (hygiene, clean water, civil strife, unsafe food supply, etc.).
Pay special attention to migrant workers in the food system to ensure they are protected from health risks, have access to health services and social protection.
Ensure food system workers’ rights are recognized and integrated in national legislation; promote and enforce compliance with established norms.
Ensure food systems workers have access to full protection from hazards and risks (in terms of personal protective equipment, distancing measures, clear health and safety guidelines, paid sick leave, adequate sleeping, eating and sanitary facilities, quarantine shelters).
Defending human rights, nature rights, and renegotiating the contract between state and society.
Leverage existing human rights instruments such as UNDROP, UNDRIP, the Right to Food, the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition and various CFS guidance documents to strengthen equity-sensitivity of policies.
States, intergovernmental organizations, the private sector and civil society should work across sectors to ensure more equitable access to land, forests, aquatic resources and other food-production resources, applying rights-based approaches.
Strengthen national institutions to understand and apply human rights conventions to harmonize policies relating to food systems, agriculture and nutrition from an equity perspective.
Leverage the benefits of collective action to improve access to inputs, finance, information, value chain opportunities, certification/standards and market opportunities, as well as decent work, safe working conditions and a living income based on careful consideration of, and with a clear plan to address, local contexts and power asymmetries.
Make redressal mechanisms available to marginalized communities when cases of inequities are identified.
Invest in civil society and government staff working more closely with marginalized communities, including enhancing their legal capacity to uphold their right to food, decent work and a clean environment.
Ensure all research applies the precautionary principle to ensure no groups are exposed to harm as a result of the research, and ensure individuals and communities retain the right to decline participation.
Ensure universal access to social protection as direct support for food security and nutrition among the most marginalized groups, and to enhance access to productive assets for those with food systems-dependent livelihoods.
Contribute to ensuring access to decent work for all, including in food systems, as a key condition for a living wage and access to food. This would include implementing labour protection policies, strategies and programmes (such as those on occupational safety and health, regulations on working hours and pay, maternity protection) that protect both the labour and human rights of food system workers.
Ensure, through equity-impact assessments that include the representation of affected groups, that multilateral and bilateral trade and investment agreements do not negatively impact food environments and diets, including a redressal process available to marginalized groups’ representatives when complaints arise.
Based on a human rights approach, states and intergovernmental organizations should embed equity principles into policy.
Governments should create an enabling policy framework, as appropriate, and supportive practices to protect and support breastfeeding, ensuring that decisions to breastfeed do not result in women losing their economic security or any of their rights. This should include promoting and implementing policies and programmes ensuring maternity protection and paid parental leave and removing workplace-related barriers to optimal breastfeeding (lack of breaks, facilities, and services).
Governments, parties involved in conflicts, international humanitarian organizations and other relevant stakeholders should, where appropriate, ensure safe and unhindered access of all members of affected and at-risk populations to food security and nutrition assistance, in both acute and protracted crises, consistent with internationally recognized humanitarian principles, as anchored in Geneva Convention of1949 and other UNGA Resolutions after 1949.
Governments, with the support of intergovernmental organizations and international assistance and cooperation where appropriate, should ensure safe and unhindered access to safe and nutritious food and nutritional support for refugees, internally displaced people, host communities, and asylum seekers in their territory, in accordance with governments’ obligations under relevant international agreed instruments.
Governments should undertake efforts to ensure access to safe and unhindered access to safe drinking water for all, including those in emergency situations, and reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity.
Governments should ensure that the right to work is respected, protected and fulfilled for all farmers and other food producers and workers (including migrants and undocumented workers), that these populations are protected and safe, and that there is no unnecessary burden which could negatively impact their health status, including involvement of children in harmful tasks (e.g. child labour).
Governments, private sector and other relevant stakeholders should promote the health and wellbeing of food system workers, including seasonal and migrant workers, and adopt measures, including early warning systems, to prevent spreading of infectious diseases, including providing protective equipment by ensuring appropriate working conditions and, where appropriate, living conditions including for seasonal and migrant workers.
Governments should improve the availability of and access to safe and nutritious food that contributes to healthy diets through sustainable food systems, and ensure that is has a positive impact on the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security, including through trade that should be in accordance with a universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable,multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization.
Governments and other stakeholders should attach a great importance and are encouraged to promote gender equality and create the necessary conditions for women to fully realize their potential, in line with national legislation and universally agreed human rights instruments.
Take appropriate measures to promote the human rights of all and recognize the importance of the values and interests of peasants, indigenous peoples, local communities, family farmers and other people working in rural areas, particularly in maintaining, expressing, controlling, protecting and developing their knowledge, including traditional knowledge, taking into account its specificity, for example through knowledge systems embedded in agricultural heritage systems, while recognizing the critical role of rural and indigenous women in the context of food security and nutrition.
Support processes that facilitate and prioritize the active participation of people most at risk of food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms and people in vulnerable situations, including women, youth, indigenous peoples and local communities, in decision-making that affects them at the local, national and global levels, through the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security.
Promote the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security and enable individual and collective actions that address the four dimensions of food security (availability, access, stability and utilization) and nutrition at different scales, taking into account to the principles of equality and non-discrimination, participation and inclusion, accountability and rule of law.
Undertake holistic assessments of employment and labour conditions in agriculture and food systems, disaggregated by gender and age, in support of: i) decent labour policies and regulations for sustainable agriculture and food systems; ii) improved livelihoods, health and social and legal protection of farmers and other food system workers, particularly migrant workers and people in vulnerable situations.
Promote the human rights of all and recognize the importance of the values and interests of peasants, indigenous peoples, local communities, family farmers, and other people working in rural areas, and the importance of strengthening their ability to avoid exposure and poisoning from hazardous agrochemicals.
Take appropriate measures to promote the human rights of all and recognize the importance of the values and interests of peasants, indigenous peoples, local communities, family farmers and other people working in rural areas, particularly in maintaining, expressing, controlling, protecting and developing their knowledge, including traditional knowledge, taking into account its specificity, for example through knowledge systems embedded in agricultural heritage systems, while recognizing the critical role of rural and indigenous women in the context of food security and nutrition.
Enhance safety standards for fishing vessels.
Ensure equitable benefit sharing from restoration initiatives, especially towards women, respecting Indigenous Peoples’ customary rights, and providing free, prior and informed consent.
Protect the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all.
Ensure that the rights of vulnerable groups, especially women and Indigenous Peoples, have their rights protected, restored or improved – in particular, equal rights regarding access to ownership of assets like land.
Protect intellectual property rights and access to data generated by farmers, fishermen and foresters.